Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Reviewed By You: Top Elite Agents

Hey Penguins!

It's been a while since a Reviewed By You, was posted on the Club Penguin Community Blog. Last time, the Club Penguin team asked us what was our favorite part of the Island Adventure Party. Here's what Suite106 has to say -

My Favorite Part of the party is the ship battle! You have the pirates with complicated cannons to load and the penguin navy with easy to load cannons. I actually like to be the pirates because I have an actual pirate costume and I like more of a chalenge. I Also Like the different bases in the cove and the beach and the things people say make it better. Rock on CP!

This week, the Club Penguin Team would like to hear from EPF Agents...

There is a new System Defender level launching at the end of the week, so the Club Penguin Team want to know about an agent that's gone over and beyond the call of duty for the EPF!

- Dj Wazzer, Club Penguin Agents author