Saturday, 13 August 2011

Better Igloos Catalog August 2011 Cheats

Hey Penguins!

A new Better Igloos Catalog is here, and is filled with lots of Snow Race themed items! There are lots of Ramps! Here are this months new cheats -

To get the 'Freewheelin' Foam Pit', click on the Blue Knobs on the Slushie Maker - 

To get the 'S - Curve Ramp', click on the '75' -

To get the 'C - Curve Ramp', click on the word 'Half - Pipe' - 

To get the 'HD TV', click on the Yellow Knob on the Slushie Maker - 

To get the 'Snow Wall', click on the third trophy on the Trophy Shelf - 

To get the 'Icicles', click on the top part of the 'Snow Fortress Wall' - 

To get the 'Sloped Wall', click on the number '3' - 

To get the 'Vert Ramp', click on the blue part of the 'Ski Rack' - 

Let us know what you think of this catalog!

- Dj Wazzer