Friday 21 January 2011

Club Penguin Times #275

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Club Penguni Times is out. Here's whats in this weeks issue -

Brown Puffles Discovered!
The rumors are true! Brown Puffles have been discovered and can be adopted! One explorer says "I hope Puffle experts can round up some for the Pet Shop soon". It looks like they will be avalible at the Pet Shop after the expedition.

Tips For New Explorers
Gary has some tips for explorers which might help you solve the puzzle at the expedition. Check the paper to see these tips!

Upcoming Events
January 28th - Penguins That Time Forgot returns to the stage
January 30th - Expedition ends
February 1st - Paychecks
February 4th - Penguin Style Catalog

- Dj Wazzer