Saturday, 13 November 2010

What Room Is It? - Contest! - Win 25 Points!

Hey Penguins!

I will be doing regular contests on the blog in which you can win points! For this contest comment on this post and guess the locations of the room from the pictures! 5 winners who answer correctly will be chosen from a draw and will win 25 points!  Here are the rooms -

Remember to send your answers by commenting on this post and dont forget to include your penguins name! Please comment only once. If you comment more than once you will be disqualified! Entries are open until Tuesday 16th November!

- Dj Wazzer


Dingeljoe said...

1. Coffee Shop
2. Pizza Parlor
3 Hidden Lake
4. Cove


Dingeljoe said...

Hi! I meant the coffee Shop's Books room for my first answer


Manueperedog said...

My name is Manueperedog: here:1.Bookroom 2.Pizza parlor 3.Hidden lake 4.Cove ok is that all right i put in order from first pic to last pic

Greenjoe13 said... room parlour
3.hidden lakee

Curt13(CPC and CPG mod) said... parlour. 3.cave mine 4 cove