Thursday 11 November 2010

Penguin Times #265 + Rain on Club penguin

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Club Penguin times was released. Here's whats in this weeks issue -

First Rainstorm On Record
It has started raining on the island. The rain hasn't done any damage yet and Sensai has said 'we must prepare'. It looks like the rain is related to card jitsu water....

New Look For Newspaper
On November 19th the Club Penguni Times will be getting a new look! It wil be printed on longer paper and won't need as many pages. The new Club Penguin Times will now be released on a Friday insted of the usual day, Thursday.

Upcoming Events
November 12th - Better igloos catolog and igloo upgrade catalog
November 19th - Space Adventure Planet Y returns to the stage
New postcards
November 26th - New stamps


It has started raining on the island. This is linked to card jitsu water.....

- Dj Wazzer