Wednesday, 22 June 2011

You Decide: Animal Costume

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has posted on the Community Blog. The Club Penguin Team want us to decide on two costumes for an event in September. Here is what Billybob has to say -

Hello Penguins!

While the Music Jam party continues on the island, we thought it was time for something a little different here on the blog.

We wanted to show you a few costume ideas the team's been working on. We want YOU to decide which items we should make for an event in September!
Vote for your favorite... The team will work on the two items that get the most votes.

Let us know about which item you'd like to see in the comments!

Until then...Waddle on!

Let us know which tow you like best. I like number 3 and 5. The Chicken and the Cow costumes look so cool!

- Dj Wazzer