Thursday, 31 March 2011

Penguin Style April 2011 + Cheats

Hey Penguins!

A new Penguin Style catalog is here! Here are this months new cheats -

1. To get the White Cocoa Bunny Costume, Click on the brown lumpy thing.

2. To get the White Cocoa Bunny Ears, Click on the Silver Handle.

3. To get the Country Cowgal Hat, Click on the Moon

4. To get the Cocoa Bunny Costume, Click on the Soda bottle.

5. To get the Cocoa Bunny Ears, Click on the barrel.

Let us know what you think of this months catalog!

- Dj Wazzer

Club Penguin Times #285

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times is here -

More on 'Box Dimension Can't Be Mapped' -

St Patricks Day Igloo Contest - 

 Here are more winners - 

Upcoming Events -

Also in this weeks paper there are some hidden surprises! I won't spoil them for you but here a joke you can find - 

- Dj Wazzer

Mesage From Rookie

Hey Penguins!

Rookie has sent us a new message on the Spy Phones -

The message says - "Update - hey everyone! G and the Director have given me orders to work on learning to translate crab. Hope to see you at the party!"

Rookie is learning how to translate Crab. Klutzy might have some big plans.....
- Dj Wazzer

Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins!

Last week Club Penguin wanted to know how you and a friend help your local community. Here's how Sophiepearl3 helped the community -

A time a friend and I helped out the community was when we volunteered at the local animal shelter. It was really fun and it made me think of all the penguins at the puffle shop! There was all sorts of animals and all different colors like puffles! It felt great to help out the community! Waddle on CP!!!

 The Club Penguin team have seen a lot of you exploring at the April Fools Party, so this week Club Penguin want to know What's your favorite room at the party, and what do you like best about it?

- Dj Wazzer

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Dance Lounge Update + New Arcade Game

Hey Penguins!

The Dance Lounge has been given an update and there is a new arcade game -

There is a little game where you hit the targets. The new arcade game is called 'Bits and Bolts' -

Here are the instructions - 

Let us know what you think of the game.

- Dj Wazzer

Field Ops #38

Hey Penguins!

A new Field Op is here. Here's how to complete it -

1. Go to the EPF Command Room and accept the Field Op
2. Go to the Pool and stand by the window

3. Play the mini game and earn your medal

After you complete the Field Op you will receive a message -

Klutzy is going to strike the Lighthouse on Thursday! Agents should prepare!

Also notice that there is a medal glitch which says you have earned 55 medals.

- Dj Wazzer

Rookie Stamp Added

Hey Penguins!

Club Penguin have added the Rookie stamp under the 'characters' section in the stamp book - 

It looks like Rookie will be making an appearance during the party. Let us know if you will be trying to find Rookie.

- Dj Wazzer

Monday, 28 March 2011

Message From G

Hey Penguins!

G has sent us a new message on the Spy Phone -

The message says - "All communication systems have reuturned to normal. Great work everyone!"

G is telling us that the signal is now back to normal. Let us know what you think Herbert will do next.

- Dj Wazzer

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Message From Herbert

Hey Penguins!

Herbert has sent us a message on the Spy Phone - 

The Message Says - "Stop calling me polar bear, you ultimate pea-brain 10,000!"

Herbert's signal was stopped but what do you think he will do next?

- Dj Wazzer

Saturday, 26 March 2011

Message From Protobot

Hey Penguins!

Protobot has sent us a new message on the Spy Phone -

The message says  - "Impossible. You had only 0.1 chance of stopping my signal. The polar bear's calculations were incorrect. Retreating for now."

It seems agents have managed to stop the signal. I'm sure Protobot will think of something else....

- Dj Wazzer

Friday, 25 March 2011

Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins!

Last week Club Penguin asked, what arcade game would you invent if you could. Here's what A L I C E C said - 

My dream arcade game would be called Food Shot. You would take your orange puffle with you to this game. The puffle would sit in the middle of a circle, surrounded by different foods. The puffle would shoot foods (wherever you guided it) onto the edge of the circle, making matches of three or more, until the level is clear. There would be second chances if you didn't clear the level.

This week Club Penguin want to hear about a time when you and your friend worked together to help your community.

- Dj Wazzer 

Thursday, 24 March 2011

April Fools Party 2011!

Hey Penguins!

The April Fools Party has started and is full of wacky surprises! Here is how to get the Free item -

Go to the dock and throw snowballs at the canvas until a treasure chest appears on the canvas. A Purple Propeller Cap will fly out. Walk over to it and you will be able to get it.

Here are the scavenger hunt cheats - 

1. The first item is in the Box Dimension

2. The Desert Dimension

3. The Drawing Dimension (click on the pencil)

4. The Space Dimension (connect the stars)

5. The Silly Place Dimension

6. The Stairs Dimension

7. The Cream Soda Dimension

8. The Dessert Dimensiom

Once you found collected all the items you will recieve a Box Costume.

Go back to the Box Dimension and walk to the middle. You will then be at the Strange Dimension - 

Members can recieve 2 free items -

There is a new stamp to be earned -

There is a new login screen -

Let us know what you think of the party!

- Dj Wazzer

Club Penguin Times #284

Hey Penguins!

Today a new issue of The Club Penguin Times was released. Here's what's in this weeks issue -

More on 'Explore The Box Dimension'

St Patrick's Day Igloo Contest Winners

Upcoming Events

- Dj Wazzer

New Pins!

Hey Penguins!

Today Club Penguin released two more new Puffle pins. Here is how to find them -

1. Go to the Book Room
2. Walk over to the chair and you now have the White Puffle pin

1. Go to the Mine
2. Walk over to the Tree and you now have the Yellow Puffle pin

- Dj Wazzer

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Club Penguin Thinking About Japan

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has post a new blog post on the Community Blog - 

Hello Penguins! 

A little over a week ago, a major earthquake and tsunami struck Japan, causing massive damage. For those of you affected by this disaster, know that everyone in Club Penguin is thinking of you and your family during this time.

Since last week, we've received a lot of inspiring comments and great suggestions from you about different disasters around the world. Many of you have asked about ways to help others when tragedies happen. 

Over the next week, we'll be featuring a few blog posts dedicated to helping your community in times of need. And we'd like you to be involved! 

We've already seen a bunch of your pictures, screenshots and videos dedicated to Japan. We'd like to feature some of your pictures on Club Penguin to show our support! Send your images to us here. We'll publish some of them in different places around Club Penguin in the next few weeks. 

Stay tuned for more Global Citizenship posts later this week! 

Until then... Waddle on!
It is nice to see that Club Penguin is doing something for Japan. Let us know if you will be sending them a picture or video.

- Dj Wazzer

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

New Game, New Launch Date

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has posted something about the new game on the Club Penguin Community Blog - 

Hello Penguins!

Last week we mentioned that the team is working on a new arcade game for the Lounge. We asked you what your dream arcade game would be, and Fastflier 2 said:

"I think it should be a robot building game."

Guess what, Fastflier 2? That's what the team is working on right now! The new arcade game is called Bits & Bolts, and you'll be able to play it in the renovated Lounge. Here's a sneak peek of one of the robots:
The game was originally going to launch tomorrow, but it's not quite finished yet. The team will not have the game ready until next week. I'll keep you posted as I find out more. Thanks for your patience as we work out all the leftover 'bits'.

- Dj Wazzer

Message From The Director

Hey Penguins!

Today I recieved a new message on my Spy Phone, from the Director - 

The message says - "Agents, Protob-----PTTF!#$&NSHBT$&*(CPT@&$*#SBP@$&$#

The EPF have now lost signal. Lets hope they will be able to get it back soon! Let us know your ideas to try and get the signal back.

- Dj Wazzer

Monday, 21 March 2011

Field Ops #37

Hey Penguins!

Here's how to complete this weeks Field Ops - 

1. Go to the EPF Command Room and accept the Field Op
2. Go to the Mine and stand By the Herbert statue

3. Complete the mini game and earn your medal

This week there is another new Mini Game - 

You have to match the frequency. Tune the radio scanner to match the frequency number. Be precise - you need to stop te scanner at te exact number.

- Dj Wazzer

April Fools Party Decorations!

Hey Penguins!

If you visit some rooms around the island you will see some boxes with decorations in them. These decorations are for the April Fools Party - 

There is also construction at the Box Dimension - 

Let us know if you are looking forward to the Aprl Fools Party.

- Dj Wazzer