Hey Penguins!
The April Fools Party has started and is full of wacky surprises! Here is how to get the Free item -
Go to the dock and throw snowballs at the canvas until a treasure chest appears on the canvas. A Purple Propeller Cap will fly out. Walk over to it and you will be able to get it.
Here are the scavenger hunt cheats -
1. The first item is in the Box Dimension
2. The Desert Dimension
3. The Drawing Dimension (click on the pencil)
4. The Space Dimension (connect the stars)
5. The Silly Place Dimension
6. The Stairs Dimension
7. The Cream Soda Dimension
8. The Dessert Dimensiom
Once you found collected all the items you will recieve a Box Costume.
Go back to the Box Dimension and walk to the middle. You will then be at the Strange Dimension -
Members can recieve 2 free items -
There is a new stamp to be earned -
There is a new login screen -
Let us know what you think of the party!
- Dj Wazzer