Friday, 3 December 2010

Penguin Style December 2010 + Cheats

Hey Penguins!

The new Penguin Style is here. Here are all the new cheats -

To get the Blue Fuzzy Hat click on the 'f' of the coffee shop sign

To get the Candy Cane Wing Warmers click on the Yellow Puffle

To get the Blue Earmuffs click on the first tree

 To get the Blue Striped Scarf click on the second tree

To get the Blue Mittens click on the third tree

To get the Gingerbread Costume click on the green part of the tree

To get the Snowman Outfit click on the mountain next to the tree

Let us know what you think of this months catolog!

- Dj Wazzer


Anonymous said...

Cool, thanks for the cheats. I like how you post even through you don't get much comments. I know it might get hard but one day more and more people will start seeing your blog and realize how great it is.