Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Two New EPF Messages From G

Hey Penguins!

Today G has sent all Agents two new messages on the Spy Phone - 

The messages say - "Tech Agents - defense cannons are too dangerous. Focus on snowball combat. Keep the Cauldron 3000 working: it's vital for the blue Hydra."

"RED ALERT! All agents report to the Everyday Phoning Facility immediately! We are under attack! This is not a drill!"

These messages are just about Herbert attacking the EPF. G is telling us to use snowballs to defeat the Blue Hydra. Let us know if you have managed to deafeat Herbert yet.

- Dj Wazzer

Snow And Sports Catalog May 2011 Cheats

Hey Penguins!

Today, Club Penguin updated the Stadium and it is now the Soccer Pitch again - 
There is also a new Snow and Sports catalog. Here are the cheats for the catalog -

To get the Yellow Soccer Jersey, click on the metal part with two screws on it.

This catalog is filled with new sporty items. Let us know what you think of the catalog.

- Dj Wazzer

Monday, 30 May 2011

Reviewed by You: For Agents Only

Hey Penguins!

Last week, Club Penguin asked what your favourite part of the Medieval Party was. Lotzki1 said -

This is the BEST party of the year! I looove the quests and I like how they are really challenging! The defeating the Hydra quest is an awesome idea because you work together with other penguins to defeat the monster. I also love the decorations! Keep up the awesome work, Club Penguin Team!

This week, Club Penguin want to hear from Secret Agents. If you are not an agent yet, you may not want to read the next part because it contains some classified information.

This week Club Penguin want to hear from you about a certain polar bear that has been threatening the EPF for some time. The Club Penguin Team want to know What's been about your favorite moment with Herbert P. Bear, Esquire so far?

- Dj Wazzer

Sunday, 29 May 2011

EPF Message From Rookie

Hey Penguins!

Agents have recieved a new message from Rookie -

The message says - "Maybe Herbert decided not to do anything bad. The party ends tomorrow, and still no sign of him. Maybe he's a good guy now!"

I'm sure Rookie is joking! Herbert a good guy?! I don't think so.... I'm sure Herbert has decided to do something bad. When do you think Herbert will strike?

- Dj Wazzer

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Another EPF Message From G

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because G has sent another message -

The message says - "Still nothing. As far as our surveillance cameras go, we haven't seen anything else suspicious. Stay sharp, everyone."

So, there has been no suspicious activity. When do you think Herbert will strike?

- Dj Wazzer

Friday, 27 May 2011

Club Penguin Times #293

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times is here. Here's what's in this weeks issue -

A new Purple Dragon Costume is avaliable from the Medieval Catalog -

More about the costume -  

Some new Music Jam themed clothes will be coming to the Clothing Catalog soon - 

Upcoming Events -

- Dj Wazzer

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Medieval Catalog Update!

Hey Penguins!

Today, the Medieval Catalog has been updated with 2 new items. Lets take a look and see what the new items are -

 The new items are the Purple Dragon Costume and the Lute. I think the Dragon Costume is cool! Let us know which item from the Medieval Catalog is your favourite.

There are also 2 more hidden items -  

To get the Bracers, click on the Puffle on the blue Tabard.


To get the Purple Dragon Feet, click on the hole in the Lute.

- Dj Wazzer

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Field Ops #46

Hey Penguins!

A new Field Op is here. Head over to the Command Room to recieve your orders.

Here are this weeks orders -

G wants us to search the Island for anything suspicious.

This weeks Field Op location is at the Ski Village - 

Stand outside the EPF, infront of the flowers.

This weeks Mini-Game is the one where you have to crack the code - 

When you complete the Field Op, you will earn a medal and recieve a message from Herbert -

We will have to wait a while to find out what Herbert is up to. We know from this Field Op that a device was found outside the EPF. Could Herbert's plan be very dangerous?

- Dj Wazzer

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

EPF Message From G

Hey Penguins!

My Spy Phone was flashing again, which can only mean one thing.... Agents have recieved a new message. The message is from G -

The message says - "Hmm... We're still not sure what Herbert is planning, and he hasn't sent any other messages. Agents, be on full alert this week."

Whatever Herbert is planning, I'm sure it won't be very nice. It sounds like something could happen this week. What do you think could happen?

- Dj Wazzer

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Spy Phone Message From Jet Pack Guy

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones once again, because Jet Pack Guy has sent a new message - 

The message says - "Found a suspicious device in the Cave, underground. Spoke to a few agents, and they found one too. No other sign of Herbert though."

We now know that Herbert has been to the Underground Cave. He has left some suspicious devices. What do you think these devices could be?

- Dj Wazzer

Saturday, 21 May 2011

EPF Message From Dot

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because Dot has sent a new message - 

The message says - "Disguised myself as a princess and staked out the Attic. No sign of Herbert. Gotta say, I much prefer my uniform to a princess gown. :P"

So, we know Herbert is not at the Attic. Where do you think Herbert is and what do you think his next plan will be?

- Dj Wazzer

Reviewed by You: Medieval Party!

Hey Penguins!

Last week, Club Penguin asked you to tell them about someone's Igloo you thought was cool. Here are a few the Club Penguin Team liked -

Bengweno's Igloo - 

Penngiwin's Igloo - 

Aderion's Igloo -

Those are some great Igloos! For this weeks Reviewed By You, Club Penguin want to know, What's your favorite thing about the Medieval Party?

- Dj Wazzer

Friday, 20 May 2011

New Postcards!

Hey Penguins!

Some new Medieval themed postcards have been released. Lets take a look at the postcards -

The new Postcards are -  

  • Awesome Outfit
  • Hidden Lake
  • Tree Forts
  • Medieval Party
  • Medieval Quest Invite
Let us know which one is your favourite!

- Dj Wazzer

Medieval Party 2011

Hey Penguins!

The Medieval Party has started! The Party is on from 20th - 29th May.

Here is some Information about the Quests -

Quest 1 and Quest 2
Same as last year. You don't even have to do the Quests again, if you did them last year.

Quest 3
This is a brand new Quest! There are new challenges and items! (Quest 3 guide coming soon)

Here is where all the Free Items can be found -

Purple Wizard Hat - Lighthouse

White Horse - Quest 2

White Knight Helmet - Quest 3
 White Sword and Shield - Quest 3

 White Armour - Quest 3

These items are the new free items. There are many more items to be earned from the quests. (The same ones from last year).

There is a Medieval Catalog -

To get the Tore, Click on the Puffle on the Red Tabard - 

Let us know what you think of the Medieval Party!

- Dj Wazzer

Message From Rookie

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because Rookie has sent a new message -

The message says - "Everything looks clean to me so far. Except the puffle pens - they're a bit smelly. But not suspicious-smelly. Just regular smelly."

Hmmm.... Do you think there could be something supicious about the Puffle pens? We know how daft Rookie can be....

- Dj Wazzer

Club Penguin Times #292

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of The Club Penguin Times has been released. Here's whats in this weeks issue - 

The Medieval Party has begun. There are 3 quests to complete -

Here are some highlights of the Medieval Party -

Upcoming Events -

- Dj Wazzer

Thursday, 19 May 2011

New Pin - Brazier Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin has been released. Here is how to find it - 

1. Click on your Map and go to the Town and then the Nightclub
2. Walk over to the right speaker and you will be at the Boiler Room
3. When you are at the boiler room, Click on the giant pot above the 'Pin Maker 3000' sign..
4. Keep clicking until the Pin Maker 3000 makes the Brazier Pin. You now have the Brazier Pin!

- Dj Wazzer

Underwater Adventure Returns To The Stage!

Hey Penguins!

Underwater Adventure has returned to the Stage! This play is very fun to act out. It's been a while since the play was at the Stage. This time there is a new pin.

The new Shell Pin is by the sandcastle -

 More Soon...

- Dj Wazzer

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Spy Phone Message From Herbert

Hey Penguins!

My Spy Phone was flashing again, and I noticed I recieved a new message from Herbert - 

The message says - "Temper temper, Jet Pack George."

There is nothing much to this message. Herbert is just telling Jet Pack Guy to calm down. As we know, Herbert will be making an appearance at the Medieval Party. Do you think Agents will come up with a good plan to deafeat him?

- Dj Wazzer

Monday, 16 May 2011

Field Ops #45

Hey Penguins!

A new Field Op is avaliable. To recieve your order, go to the EPF Command Room.

Here are this weeks orders - 

Herbert might strike the island during the Medieval Party. Agents have to do a security sweep across the Island.

This weeks Field Op location is at the Cave (Underground) -

Stand by the White edge around the Pool. When you see your Spy Phone flash, click on it....

This weeks Mini - Game is the one where you have to match the shapes. Click on both of the shapes to match them.

When you complete the Mini - Game you will earn a medal and receive a message from Herbert -


We stopped the first part of Herbert's plan! What do you think he was going to track?

- Dj Wazzer

Message From Jet Pack Guy

Hey Penguins!

Agents should check their Spy Phones because Jet Pack Guy has sent us a message - 

The message says - "Yo, I KNEW we couldn't trust you Herbert! I dare you to show your face at the Medieval Party - we're ready for you anytime, anyplace!"

I'm sure Herbert will make an appearance at the Medieval Party. Herbert's visit wont be very nice. What do you think he has in store for Agents?

- Dj Wazzer

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Message From Herbert

Hey Penguins!

Today, Agents have recieved another new message. This is the second message of the day and the message is from Herbert - 

The message says - "Mwa ha ha! All too easy! Now that Proto-bumbler is out of the way, I can begin my NEW plan. Prepare "ye fools", for I "cometh" soon."

I knew Herbert would have another plan! It sounds like Herbert will be making a 'special' visit to the island soon. Lets hope Agents will be able to stop Herbert's plans....

- Dj Wazzer

EPF Message From Protobot

Hey Penguins!

Agents have recieved another new message on the Spy Phone. The message is from Protobot - 

The message says - "Reclassifying - polar bear is now our enemy. System damage unrepairable. Retreating until new engineer can be located. BZZZZK."

Herbert is now Protobot's enemy. Where do you think Protobot will retreat to and who do you think Protobot's new engineer will be?

- Dj Wazzer

Puffle and Medieval Party Update

Hey Penguins!

Billybob has posted a new message about the Puffle bug and Medieval Party -

Hello Penguins!

Some of you have let us know that your puffles aren't appearing in your igloo right now. Don't worry -- your puffles aren't gone. The team is working to repair the database so you can see your puffles again. Thanks for your patience!

In other news... the Medieval Party is coming to the island soon! Here's a sneak peek of the entrance to the three Knight's Quests:
What are you doing to get ready for the party? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle On!

I am decorating my Igloo and giving it a Medieval theme. I am also looking forward to the quests. I'm sure they will be very exciting! Let us know if your looking forward to the Medieval Party.

- Dj Wazzer