Friday, 29 October 2010

Dark Chamber Guide + Free Items!

Hey Penguins

The dark chamber is for members only, heres how to get through it - 

When you get to the entrance you will see an organ with coulors on. To gain access to the dark chamber you need to watch the coulors which are been squirted out of the rocks near the door. You then have to repeat the pattern on the organ. You will then gain access. If you have already gained acces you can press the red button and you will not have to do it again.

Once you are in the chamber you need to get a lantern located near the entrance. This is so you can see. To make things easier, if you have night vision goggles waer them and you can see the whole room. Once you get a lantern find your way to the end of the maze.

Once you reach the end you will end up in a monster maker room. You can get a free pile of candy for your igloo, you can get as many as you want.

There is also a new catolog in the room avalible for the duration of the party.

Gary will make apperances in the dark chamber so keep a look out for him. He has a new background!

There are also two new stamps you can earn. To earn the first one you have to complete the candy hunt and to earn the second one you have to wear a monster outfit.

- Dj Wazzer

Club Penguin Halloween Party - Candy Hunt + Free Items!

Hey Penguins!

The halloween party has started, there is a candy hunt, to find the candy - 

1. Go to the beach and click on the brown and yellow candy bar
2. To find the next candy go to the snow forts

3. Go to the iceburg and click on the red thing poking out behind the pumpkin

4. To get the next candy go to the gift shop

5. To get the next candy to the pizza parlour and click on pumpkin on the organ

6. To get the next candy go to the ski lodge and click on the mirror

7. To get the next candy go to the plaza and click on the white thing poking out of the cauldron

    8. To get the final candy go to the beacon and click on the green candy near the stairs

After you have got all the candy click on the pumpkin basket in the top right corner and click claim prize, you now get a background as a reward!

Free items

To get the bat wings go to the Plaza and to get the ghost costume go to the haunted house (members only)

- Dj Wazzer

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Penguin Times #263

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Club Penguin Times has been released, here's whats in this weeks issue - 

The Halloween Party is Here
The halloween party will run from October 29th - November 3rd. There will be a candy hunt and for members there will be a haunted house and dark chamber. G will also make an apperance at the Dark Chamber.

Igloo Contest Winners
The winners for the igloo contest have been revealed. Check the paper to see if you won. There will be more winners next week.

Upcoming Events

October 29th - November 3rd - Halloween Party
November 4th - Igloo contest winners round 2
November 5th - New Penguin Style catolog
                         New Postcards

- Dj Wazzer


Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins!

This weeks reviewed by you is about your favorite Halloween Party memory, heres what Betery76 said -

I remember the first time the dark clouds came around. That was so cooollllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All of my friends and I played hide and seek with my penguuin buddies. That was the best halloween party ever!!!! Waddle on CP!

That's a great review! Next week Club penguin want to know which halloween costume you would like to see on Club Penguin.

- Dj Wazzer

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Field Op #20!

Hey Penguins!

Today a new field op was released, heres how to complete it - 

1. Accept the field op from the EPF
2. Go to the mine and stand by the table with the phone on

3. Play the mini game and earn your medal!

- Dj Wazzer

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Club Penguin 5th Anniversary!

Hey Penguins!

Today is Club Penguins 5th annivesary..... The celebrations are taking place in the coffee shop.

To get the party hat

1. Go to the coffee shop
2. click on the present next to the cake, walk over to the box and you now have the party hat!

To get the celebration stamp

1. Go to the coffee shop
2. Click on the candles on the cake, they will now go out and you have now earned the stamp!

There is also a new year book!

Let us know what you think of this years anniversary party!

- Dj Wazzer



A Storm Is Coming!

Hey Penguins!

If you look through the binoculars at the cove you can see the storm coming to the island! The storm will hit the island in time for the halloween party on the 29th October!

- Dj Wazzer

Friday, 22 October 2010

New Pin! - Bat Pin

Hey Penguins!

A new pin has been released here's how to get it -

1. Go to the cove
2. Walk over to the trree in the bottom left corner. You now have the bat pin!

- Dj Wazzer

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Penguin Times Issue #262

Hey Penguins!

A new issue of the Penguin Times is out, here's whats in this weeks issue.....

Anniversary Party
 The anniversary party will be on October 24th and will be held in the coffee shop. There will be a new cake, yearbook and party hat!

Halloween's Almost Here
The Halloween Party starts on October 29th! There will a candy hunt and this years party is going to be very spooky!

Upcoming Events
October 24th - Anniversary Party
October 28th - Halloween igloo contest winners announced
October 29th - November 3rd - Halloween Party

Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins!
This weeks reviewed by you is about your first party in Club penguin, lets see what Mehnaz101 has to say.....

The first Club Penguin party I remember is............The 3rd Anniversary Party!!!!!!!! It was so much fun!!!! we all wore the crazy hats and I remember trying to find the pin especially made fot the party! It was a blue and orange cake with a big orange 3 at the top!!!!

Thats a great review! Next week Club Penguin want to know what your favorite Halloween party memory is....

- Dj Wazzer 


Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Igloo Contest Update!

Hey Penguins!

The Club Penguin team have found some awesome igloo designs! Here they are - 

I totsDone10 and Pinkyboo821 designed these igloos! Let us know what you think of them! Also the igloo contest judging takes place until the 19th October, so don't change your igloo yet!

- Dj Wazzer

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

New Login Screen!

Hey Penguins!

Today a login screen can be seen on the start page! It is advertising the 5th anniversary! Let us know what you think of it!

- Dj Wazzer

Field Ops #19

Hey Penguins!
Today a new field op was released! Heres how to do it - 
1. Click on your spy phone or go to the EPF command room and accept the field op
2. Go to the beach and stand in this area 

3. Click on your spy phone and play the mini game! Get your medal!
- Dj Wazzer

Saturday, 16 October 2010

Crazy Wheel by Mimo!

Hey Penguins!

Mimo777 has released an awesome new album! Here are the tracks included - 

1. Crazy Wheel - featuring carl the hamster
2. I like the beat
3. Go
4. Energy

I'd recommend this album! You can buy it from itunes!

- Dj Wazzer

Friday, 15 October 2010

Igloo Contest + Better Igloos Catalog!

Hey Penguins!

The halloween igloo contest has started and runs from october 15 - 17. To enter decorate your igloo and click the gold igloo icon! Your igloo will now be submitted to the judges!

A new Better igloos catolog is out, here are the hidden items this month.....

To get the pipe organ click on the crystall ball and them click on one of the circles on the crystal ball.

To get the HD TV click on the puffle statue.

To get the creepy cottage cut out click on the pink ball inside the plasma ball.

- D Wazzer

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Penguin and Igloo of the Month Entry Details!

Hey Penguins!

Here are some details about penguin and igloo of the month.

 This months theme for both, is Halloween!
Both contests will last from 14th October - 20th October, the winners will be announced on the 21st October.

Take a screenshot of your penguin or igloo, or both and email them to

be creative as you like!

- Dj Wazzer

Penguin Times Issue #261

Hey Penguins!

 A new issue of the Penguin Times has been released. here's whats in this weeks issue

Halloween Igloo Contest
This tells us about the upcoming igloo contest. The contest runs from october 15 -17. The prizes are -
20 winners will recieve 50,000 coins and their igloo featured in the penguin times!

20 runners up will recieve 25,000 coins and their name featured in the penugni times!

Storm Incoming!
The storm is coming just in time for the halloween party! However it is staying longer than expected. Perhaps it has something to do with the release of Card Jitsu Water....

Upcoming Events
October 15 - 17 - Halloween igloo contest
October 15 - Better igloos catalog
October 24 - Anneversary Party!
October 29 - Halloween Party! 

- Dj Wazzer

Reviewed By You!

Hey Penguins!

This weeks reviewed by you is about spooky igloo design tips! Here's what Buttercup 19 said....

 For the Halloween igloo contest I like to decorate my igloo like a haunted mansion. I usually cover my floor with red carpets and use a lot of medieval decorations. My favorite decoration is the painting with the eyes that follow your mouse,creepy but cool! I also like the cauldron and the spider webs because they are also really spooky. But the things you can have a haunted house without are jack-o-lanterns!

For next weeks reviewed by you, Club Penguin wants to know what your first party on club penugin was! Also don't forget to let us know!


Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Penguin of the Month! Entry Details!

Hey Penguins!

I have launched penguin of the month! Here are the details for this month!

Theme - Halloween
Entrys accepted until - 18th October!
To enter simply email a picture of your penguin dressed as something related to the theme!
Email your entrys to
The winner will be announced on the 19th october!
Be creative as you like!

Field Ops #18

Hey Penguins!

Today a new field ops was released! here's how to complete it -

1. Go to the EPF command room and click on the field op screen and accept your mission
2. Go to the dock and stand next to the boat 

3. Accept and complete the mini game and earn your medal!
- Dj Wazzer

Monday, 11 October 2010

Screenhog on the Halloween Igloo Contest!

Hey Penguins!

Screenhog has posted about the upcoming Halloween igloo contest, heres what he has to say....

As you may have heard, there's a new Halloween Igloo Contest coming up next weekend. I saw some great decorating suggestions from you guys on Wednesday. I'm looking forward to seeing some of them.

One of the things that will come in handy for this year's contest is that now your igloos are stored like items. It used to be that when you bought a new igloo, you'd lose your old one. But last month we added a feature where igloos get added to your inventory instead.

Let us know if you will be entering the contest!

- Dj Wazzer


Hey penguins!

I am Dj Wazzer, I own this blog. I make graphics as well. I will be bringing you all the latest Club Penguin News and guides! I look forward to meeting new penguins!
- Dj Wazzer